Choose from Ellpha's solutions, powered by AI and Purpose

From enlightening guidance to innovative software solutions, discover our multifaceted approach


Think as a team about the real impact of bias and noise on diverse groups of employees


Pilot Ellpha's objective measures and diagnose the impact of noise and bias on diverse groups of talents


Plug Ellpha's software solutions into your people development systems to coach your managers live and reduce bias and noise

Discovery session

Learn about the impact of bias and noise in talent assessment and development and reflect on your organisational challenges. Use Ellpha's expertise to augment your DEI strategy

Ran by one of our expert facilitators, we taylor our discovery sessions to meet your needs: From small to big groups, from 2hours to a full day

Organise your Discovery Session

Solve: Pilot our solution

Use Ellpha's ground-breaking system to solve your diversity challenges beneath the surface and analyse numerous factors of diversity. This will allow you to see an accurate picture of your organisation's challenges.

Using already available data in your business, empower your leaders to pinpoint where their DEI strengths lie, and where to focus efforts for tangible change.

You get:

Insights from objective data

Dashboards highlights which groups are more at risk.

Talk to Ellpha about getting real DEI insights!


Unlock the potential of each talent in your organisation, regardless of their gender, nationality, age, or race!

Scale Ellpha's approach and bring its power in real-time to your managers, using our full talent development review solution: Talentuum™ or a customised solution. Real-time means that our engine will help reduce bias and noise while you write, before a talent review is published.

Get actionable insights with our simple dashboards, highlighting the type of bias you can fix and the groups most at risk


How we protect your confidentiality


Data policies and procedures

Data privacy is the first principle of everything that we do. We're committed to protecting personal privacy and we mandate that our customers abide by data privacy policies to protect employees' personally identifiable information (PII) and private confidential information (PCI).

Secure data transfers

For the pilot phase, we use secured data transfers - with encrypted files transferred via SFT. We encourage you to anonymise the data where relevant, and we will delete all your data at the end of our project together. Our Bias Detection EngineTM is built to be fully compliant with all data regulations and GDPR.

Achieve your objectives with Ellpha

Our experienced team of consultants is here to guide you at every step in fostering an equitable workplace.

Connect with us today and start making a meaningful difference in your organisation.